Broken Is Not the End - by Melissa Taggart -

Fragments of a once whole,
now scattered,
lost pieces in the dust,
they lie, remnants of dreams
once vivid, now faded to whispers.
A mirror shatters,
each shard reflecting
a distorted memory,
a glimmer of what was,
a life unraveled
into a mosaic of pain.

Echoes of laughter
reverberate in empty rooms,
a haunting reminder
of warmth now absent,
where shadows dance
to a song of solitude,
each note a reminder
of joy turned to sorrow.

Hands reach out,
grasping at air,
fingers tracing the outline
of invisible scars,
etchings of battles fought
and loves lost
on the canvas of the soul.

Time marches on,
indifferent to the wreckage,
its relentless pace
grinds even the strongest stone
to sand,
erasing traces of what once stood,
majestic and proud,
now humbled by the passage
of indifferent years.

In the silence,
between the heartbeats,
lies the truth—
broken does not mean
only changed,
each crack a testament
to resilience,
each break a new path
toward understanding.

Amidst the ruins,
seeds of renewal
take root,
sprouting tendrils of hope,
green against the gray,
promising that from the ashes,
something new will rise,
not the same as before,
but beautiful in its own way.

The heart, though fractured,
beats with a stubborn rhythm,
defying the weight
of its own despair,
finding strength in the act
of carrying on,
in the simple truth
that to be broken
is to be human,
to live is to embrace
the cracks and the seams,
to find light in the spaces
where darkness once dwelled.

So, in the quiet moments,
when the world seems too heavy
and the burden too great,
remember this:
broken is not the end,
but a beginning,
a chance to rebuild,
to reshape,
to rediscover the beauty
in being whole
once more.

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I forgot to say that the title of my essay on David Whyte’s poem is called “A Poem for Those Who Are Grieving”

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Hello dear Melissa - I don’t know if you read my essay on David Whyte’s poem “The Well of Grief”, but your beautiful “broken” poem demonstrates exactly what he spoke of. You have gone deep into the brokenness and found the promise, the renewal that awaits those with the courage and patience to explore the darkness.

As you so beautifully said, “broken does not mean unmendable, only changed”. And the essence of a life well lived: “to be broken is to be human, to live is to embrace the cracks and the seams, to find light in the spaces where darkness once dwelled.”

As a fellow traveler down some of those difficult paths, I salute your courage and your profound discoveries.

Beautiful writing. How nice to see/hear your poetry again. More, please!!

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Wow! I was very impressed with this poem of yours, Melissa. You honestly made me cry while reading and listening to your voice. What a beautiful message it portrayed, “broken is not the end, but a beginning, a chance to rebuild, to reshape, to rediscover the beauty in being whole once more.”

I know, that everyone who has been broken before or now can relate to this. A loud applause from me. Hats off to you!

Thank you, Lotchie! This was not my voice, but the person who did it did a lovely job!

I have had a rough few years and have definitely been broken during it all. I hope people find calm in the poem. Broken doesn’t mean we can’t be whole again. There is certainly beauty in that resilience.

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An exquisite poem, indeed. I read it a couple of days ago and left a comment. It gave me so much calm.

Thank you for your wonderful comment, Julie!

The last several years have been difficult ones for me. I certainly fashioned this poem from my own personal experiences. I remember that you have also travelled down some very difficult paths. I admire you, your work and your comments so much.

The voice coming through the speakers is not mine. I want to thank whoever did it! I am quite emotional listening to it. I will do my bet to write some more, Julie. Thanks again!

Awesome poem! Thanks for sharing. I also shared it on my Facebook account so my friends and family could read it. I hope and have prayed that everything will be better for you. Sending my warmest hugs and kisses. You take care always.

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You’re such a beautiful person, Lotchie! Thank you for your share and kind words! I always wished that we lived closer, we would become great friends, I’m sure. I hope you are doing well. And you take care as well.

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Friendship is not measured by distance, Melissa. I will always be your great, long-distance friend. It is just a matter of communication. You are always in my prayers.

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I agree, Lotchie. I feel very lucky to know both you and Melissa, and to be able to communicate in this special way. Thank you for spreading so much happiness among all of us!


How are you, Julie? It is a rainy morning here.

The rain you describe sounds very lovely! We are having a heat wave here, with no rain and heat index over 100F. I would love a nice gray, rainy day right now.

You can come here to my place anytime to experience the rain every day. We don’t need an aircon here too. It is free by nature.