Connect - Voice Community - 2025-(1)

Our new Connect topic is a great place for community connections, comments, feedback, suggestions or just to make new friends.

Please feel free to leave a reply with any thoughts that are on your mind. Remember, you can mention any VIP member simply by typing the “@” sign and the first few letters of their username. When someone is mentioned directly, they will get an email notification, so it’s a great way to keep in touch.

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Hey Folks - We are so excited to meet some of our newest members @HerbHagell , @ChristopherMTaylor , @PollyJayne , @SallyBonn-Ohiaeriaku - and we hope they will enjoy this unique and creative community. Let us all give a warm welcome to these new members!

Remember, everyone - you can always post questions or comments here on this topic, and someone from the community will help.

NOTE: If you recently submitted a writing contest entry, but did not receive a reply, this probably means that you are missing either an audio recording, content text, or cover image, and you will need to resubmit.

There are still a few hours left before the writing contest deadline!

Click here to enter the “Songs” contest.

Good luck!

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Greetings @MariannaPieterse - Welcome to Discourse! We are so glad you joined the club, and excited to share in your writing journey :slight_smile:

Feel free to reply here on this topic with any getting started questions or feedback.

FYI - Our free writing contest for July is closing today at 12pm noon EST, but there are still a couple of hours left to submit your entry.

Click here to enter our July writing contest - “Songs” contest

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Hi @MargaridaBrei - I just listened to your latest View - “Condemned Sky, Part Three” - and I must say that was quite a story! I also remember part one, and part two, but in your latest fiction, it seems the story has taken more of a dystopian direction. Hopefully that is not a reflection of where our real world is heading - haha. Nice work, and look forward to your next story :slight_smile:

Greetings @ThakgatsoRamaila - Welcome to the Voice Club! I really enjoyed your latest contest submission - “Amen” - and you also have a great recording voice. I also think @Lotchie would especially enjoy this story, as well as many of our other members. Your story was engaging, and kept the energy strong all the way thru the end - nice work!

Chris, I agree with you about this being a great continuation on ‘Condemned Sky’ series! I left Margarida a comment this am. I love the dystopian direction it’s heading! Very exciting, and something I’m not able to craft. I’m looking very much forward to the next story/part! :raised_hands:t2:

@HazbinMuhammad - Welcome to SoftArt!

Welcome to the Voice club @HerbHagell , @ChristopherMTaylor , @SallyBonn-Ohiaeriaku , @MariannaPieterse , @ThakgatsoRamaila , and @HazbinMuhammad. I am excited to read your stories. Keep on writing!

Yes! Chris. I enjoyed that so much.

Welcome to the voice club, @ThakgatsoRamaila . Your story makes me shiver. You set the mood intensely. What a nice first story, @ThakgatsoRamaila . Well done.

@JulieRHarris - I just listened and read your “A Night at the Movies”. It was a humorous read. It bring back memories of me in my childhood, when my mother did not allowed me to watch a sensitive movies and put her hands to cover my eyes.

Thank you for the welcome! It is great to be here.

Hi Lotchie, thank you so much for the kind welcome and for the encouragement to keep writing :smiley:

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You’re always welcome. Explore the site and enjoy the friendly community here in the voice club.

Hello Marianna - It’s so good to see you on the site again! I remember some of your “greatest hits” stories. Wasn’t there one about lost socks and an island? I remember just loving that one! And another one about a butterfly, with “Kaleidoscope” in the title. Am I remembering correctly?

I hope you’ll be writing stories on the new Voice club soon!

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Hi Julie, yes those were my stories :smiling_face: I’m so happy that you remember it. It is good to be back and I’m hoping to write something real soon.
Thanks for the warm ‘welcome back’ :smiley:

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A big welcome from me too! provides an opportunity to display and enhance one’s writing with much guidance along the way!

Congratulations on your win last July for the “Song” prompt @JulianKern (Love Song), @LindaRock (Little Town Blues), and @JulieRHarris (She Moved through the Fair)., @MargaridaBrei, @MariannaPieterse, @JulianKern, @JosephRoland, @Christer, @LindaRock, @LuckySharma

Happy mid-October to everyone. Hope you are all thinking about Halloween, and writing Scary stories for the current contest! We’d love to read your wonderful tales of tenderness or terror!

If you have a comment for everyone, this is the place to post it - just reply to this message. If you want a particular person to be notified via email, type in the “@” sign and then the first few letters of their name. When the correct name appears, click on it to add to your response.

Hello, writers,

I want to take this opportunity to wish all of you, my writing friends, much happiness, creative inspiration, and peace.
Even if it might seem so, I haven’t forgotten you. However, a few months ago, I decided to dedicate all my writing time to trying to write a second volume of my biography. (Not because my life is exceptional in any way, but it’s the only one I’ve had and I like the idea of making a written overview of it.)
The first part ended after 500 pages at age 20. The challenge I’ve given myself now is to try to cram in the following 60 years in the same space. Time is very elastic!
I have no idea when or if I’ll be able to finish this project. I always work very slowly and constantly write, rephrase, regret, rewrite, doubt, think it over again, reconsider, and edit over and over again, before I, very hesitantly, let a story leave my mind and hands. I think you could compare me to the outcome of a relationship between a pit-bull, which is lacking self-esteem, and an optimistic sloth.
Last week, I turned 77 and considered the fact that both my father and his father passed at age 75. The difference between me and them, however, is that they were both old. Especially my grandfather. He was always was extremely old.
I’m definitely not as old as they were, but something strange happened to me when I was sitting on my terrace that morning, October 11th. I was dressed in my new cool, tile-colored shorts that my wife had given me, and enjoying the effects from my dentist’s birthday gift the day before (a root canal).
That’s when I saw some vultures making wide circles in the sky, while glancing down at me. I got their message, stood up, waved my arms, and shooed them away. “Go away,” I yelled, ”I don’t have time for you! I’m too busy writing! Come back in a few years. Maybe we can play then, but definitely not now!”
Today, in my writing, I’m focusing on the divorce that followed my first marriage. Some parts from it could serve as scary and dark Halloween-stories, but I’ll spare you those details.

Best wishes,


Christer, how lovely to hear from you. I was afraid you had disappeared. I really miss your stories and your wisdom. It sounds like you’ve set yourself quite an impressive goal to write your complete biography. Wish I could read it! Will it be in English or just in Swedish?

Happy belated birthday. Keep on shooing those vultures away. I’m about eight months younger than you, and can totally relate to everything you say. We young folks still have a lot to say and a lot to do!

I know you are terrifically busy, but I do wish you’d write a flash fiction story for your fans now and then. I so enjoy everything you write! I still remember one of my favorites from you, the Halloween tale about the scream and the little boy who understood, and gave comfort. I think of that story often.

Good luck with your writing and thanks so much for saying hello.

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