Joey - [Collaboration]

Greetings - New VIP Event - Writing Collab - “Joey” - Now Open!

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Greetings @DeborahGoulding and Welcome to our new Collab event!

As a VIP member, you can now participate with our other VIP members and create exciting and fun stories together. It’s very simple and easy to get started, just click here:

We hope you enjoy the current collab, and feel free to leave questions, comments or feedback for the Voice Team here on this topic thread.

1 Like - Fiction - Joey - a Voice Club collaboration
Final Version - [2024.07.30]

[This story was written by @CarrieOLeary , @LindaRock , @JulieRHarris , @Chris , @Regina , @MelissaTaggart , @MargaridaBrei , @Lotchie ] - He was always alone but never lonely. He loved the nighttime the best. It gave him the chance to hide away from everyone else and just be himself. It wasn’t easy feeling like he didn’t belong. But it was true, he’d never felt any real connection with his parents and siblings.

A magnificent white owl swooped down to greet him, landing on his shoulder. The two friends stood in companionable silence, mesmerized by the magical, rising moon. He needed a brief moment away from the city to clear his mind and to replenish his creative spirit. Still, he missed his true world and best friend, his piano.

His fingers moved to form chords only he could hear. He turned to the owl perched comfortably on his shoulder and gave a shy smile. The owl blinked her large yellow eyes and affectionately nibbled at his ear. Joey scratched gently at the back of her head, before she stretched her wings and took flight.

“Helga, wait!” But she was gone. Dark clouds covered the moon. Suddenly the magical night felt hostile. Wild animals screeched, the wind moaned. “Jo-wee?” A singsong voice called to him. Joey cowered in fear but, as suddenly as they had begun, the noises quietened until the only sound was the tinkling of a piano. “Is it time?” he cried.

A soft, reassuring voice answered from the darkness, “Yes, Joey, it is time. Follow the music, and you will find your way.”

Walking home through the city streets, Joey wasn’t sure if that voice was a dream or real. Suddenly, the sweet sound of a jazz trumpet revealed the fearless street musician. The trumpet hypnotised Joey with a sense of utter peace and happiness. It purged his fears and anxieties. In reality, it was that kind and reassuring voice.

Life is different now. Sweet tunes inspire him; he finds piano chords to match them. Helga visits, makes friends with his sisters. Mom and Dad dance the night away.

Life is sweeter than honey, as all sway to the sweet melody.

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Everyone’s input for this event was very cohesive and flowed beautifully!
Wonderful job!
I would have most likely added a pondering thought as ‘what was for breakfast the next morning - waffles and bacon, perhaps?’
It would have messed up the flow.
I do look forward to contributing for the next collaboration.

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Thank you, Deborah. But I think that it shouldn’t end with, “Life is sweeter than honey, as all sway in the sweet melody.” Instead, I end it like this: “Life becomes sweeter than honey, as all sway in the sweet melody.”

However, I hope it still sounds good that way.

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As in life, there isn’t a right or wrong way to think on how your creative process works. Either ending that you feel is correct, go for it. After editing and revising, go with what sounds right to you by reading over and over out loud and to yourself. I don’t second guess myself anymore. I work hard to create my imaginative stories. I’m not an accomplished writer, but I do have a good imagination and intuition, which serves me well in life. There isn’t a ‘one size fits all” in writing a story. Please continue to submit stories. I love to read them. You are a passionate writer!

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Regina, I could visualize your snippet and it fit perfectly!

I consider your words to be wonderful advice, Deborah. Thank you so much. My heart is now full of happiness. I am inspired.

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