- Tippy Harris liked a challenge. In her sixties, she was a wise old bird. The winds were blowing yonder, as the snow fluttered down. A snow blizzard, they had said. Where had the spirit of adventure gone, with people today? Putting on a deerstalker hat and bright yellow wellingtons, woolen scarf, and tweed overcoat, she then looked for the dog’s lead as her pet Dachshund Fred came towards her. They would brave this storm together.
Fred, she had adopted from an Animal Rescue Centre two years ago. He had been spoilt by his previous owner who could not cope with his antics. A firm hand on the leash and stern tone to her voice had sorted that problem out - and plenty of walks on the local common. Now Fred was as keen to accept a challenge as she. Tippy opened the door of her bungalow. The snow had fallen faster covering everything in white. “How lovely," said Tippy, as Fred looked up at her with appealing brown eyes. As they walked down the lane, she thought how fresh her skin would become. Why this was more invigorating than any expensive moisturiser bought over the counter at some expensive store.
Everything looked so lovely as the traffic slowed down along the road as they approached the High Road. Noticing Madge Higgle with Ted her partner, stuck in traffic. No doubt they would have something to say to her daughter Brea, “We saw your mother out in the blizzard with her dog.” If only people would mind their own business. Besides, Brea knew what a stubborn streak her mother had. Once she decided to do something there was no holding back.
The wind and snow felt cool but fresh upon her face. Tippy smiled down at Fred. He only had little legs, bless him, he was trying so hard to keep up. The snow was coming down faster. The lamp posts and trees were now covered in white. Time to turn around and head back home, for a welcome coffee and a biscuit for Fred.