L.O.V.E. - by Lana Nizhehorodova

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Losing Oneself Verily Eagerly,
Letting Own Vulnerability Exposed,
Learning One Vow Each,
Listening Of course Very Earnestly,
Leading Obviously Vibrant Existence -
Living Of Verisimilar Equality.
Leaving Oaths Voicelessly Empower
Loads Of Vivid Expectations
Lightening Other Vistas Emotionally.
Launching Occasional Voluptuous Explorations,
Letting One’s Vanity Evaporate,
Leaving Old Version Era.
Like Oceans Vastly Enormous -
Love Owns Various Expressions.

Laura smiled as she read her list, knowing that love will keep her safe.

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Hello Lana, and welcome to the Voice Club. What a great list of L.O.V.E phrases! Your voice is quite lovely and soothing, and I enjoyed listening to you read. I hope you will write and record more stories for our future contests.

Hello, Julie! Thank you for your kind words, it was very nice to get this comment.

Welcome to Voice Club, Lana. I was amazed by all your lists of love phrases. Nice one.

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Thank you, Lotchie!:slight_smile:

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