Praises to Our King - by Susan Giles - “Julie, when choir practice is over, let’s sneak out and do some exploring,” I whisper to my sister.

The final notes of song ring out. “. . .Prai-ses to our King.”

We are in the chapel situated in the Boy’s Building. Although most of this building is off limits to us, the chapel is neutral territory. Overlooking the chapel is a room of special interest and Julie and I quickly slip away and steal up the stairway toward this room.

“Is Mr. Berg in his room?” I ask Julie as she peeps through the open door at the head of the stairs. Mr. Berg is the houseparent for the Wolverines as the younger boys are called.

Julie knocks. “He said we could visit, so I think it’s okay.”

As she opens the door, Mr. Berg’s voice calls out, “Come on in. I’m glad you came up right after choir practice.”

We look at one another as we enter the room. How did he know choir practice was over?

“Girls, come over here and let me show you something.” Mr. Berg points to what looks like a closed window on the inside wall of the room.

“A window?” Julie and I ask at the same time.

“Yes, but a special window,” he smiles.

Opening the shutters we look through with amazement. Spread out below us is the chapel where the rest of the choir is laughing and talking with the director.

Mr. Berg explains. “This is called a leper’s peep. If someone who lives at Jesse Lee is sick and unable to come to service in the chapel, they can come up here to watch and be a part of the service without spreading their germs.”

“Do any of the other kids know about this?” Julie asked.

“Not yet,” Mr. Berg replied, “but I’m sure someone will soon be needing to use it.”

He is correct. Before the week is out, I am sitting at that window, coughing and sneezing while below me the choir sings the song we just practiced.

“Praises to our King.”

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Praises to our King! God bless you, Susan and Julie. God bless us all.

Here’s an interesting tidbit about our children’s choir at Jesse Lee. Susan sang soprano and I sang alto, and we learned some music that was very complex!

I must have been 11 or 12 and Susan 9 or 10 when we learned “Praises to Our King”. It was somewhere around 1959 or 1960. In 1995, some 35 years or so later, we were reconnecting by phone after a long period of living separate lives in different cities. One of us suddenly started singing, “Savior, Blessed Savior, listen while we sing.” The other joined in perfect counterpoint and complementary rhythm and we continued the song. “Hearts and voices raising, praises to our King.” After all those years of not even thinking about that song or our early choir days, we both still remembered every note and every word.

And now, 60+ years later, Susan is writing about it and about the fascinating leper’s peep. What a tribute to our long-ago choir master, and to the power of music!

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