Rising to the Light - by Thompson Emate

https://Voice.club - She didn’t understand what was going wrong with her. Changes were happening in her body that she couldn’t comprehend. She wondered if the spotlight had cast a spell on her or if she had angered the spirits of the silver screen.

“What’s going on is a hormonal imbalance. Your body is going through some hormonal changes,” the therapist explained.

She paused for a moment. “How long is this going to last?” she asked.

“I can’t say for sure, but I’m confident it’ll just be a temporary phase,” the therapist continued. “I expected you to ask about its remedy.”

“Oh, sorry. I have so many things running through my mind.”

“That’s alright. I believe stress and anxiety are contributing factors for you. I recommend that you give yourself enough rest, eat healthily, and exercise daily. I think yoga would be beneficial.”

“Oh, thank you so much, Mrs. Baxter. It’s a pleasure to meet with you,” she said as she rose from her seat.

“Yes, it’s an honor to have you here. I hope you’ll consider all that I’ve said,” Mrs. Baxter said, extending her hand for a handshake.

“Of course,” she replied, nodding and shaking her hand in return.

When she arrived home, she curled up on the sofa. She recalled what her mother had once told her.

“Listen, girl. Life is a mystery. Some things happen that we can’t understand. Our bodies respond to what we put into them, and we reflect that. All you need to do is take a walk, exhale the stress, embrace nature, and enjoy the day.”

Tears streamed down her cheeks. She stood up and went to her bedroom, looked into the mirror and smiled.

“It’s time to take a walk, girl,” she whispered to herself.

She stepped out of the house, putting on a face cap. With a smile, she exhaled deeply.

“Here I come, twilight. Here I come, the wind of change. My mind is ready,” she murmured.

Walking into the evening light, she paid no mind to the curious gazes around her.

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Thompson, this is really a lovely story - full of so many truths and good suggestions. Your protagonist and her mother are very wise women. I like your use of dialogue to tell the story. Reading it is like being there. Great job!

A heartfelt and inspiring story about self-discovery and embracing change. It beautifully captures the journey of healing and finding strength within.
Beautiful :heart:

Thompson, I enjoyed your story, particularly the wise words of the mother. Just one question- Why was she being stared at?

Loved it and left me wondering about her looks/changes etc. I’m very curious!

Oh! I really love it, Thompson. Those wise words from the mother really hit me and made me think to sit back, relax, and let go of the worries and stress. Life is really a mystery.

Thank you, Lotchie for stopping by.

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Thank you, Julie, for stopping by.

Yes, truly Lucky. Thank you for stopping by.

Thank you, Margarida, for stopping by. She was been looked at because she was a different person from that they used to know.