FlexFit-2024-Winter - Eat Smart stay Flexible and Fit

Hi Friends - Happy New Year 2024!

FlexFit is a free community support group for health which is open to ALL people everywhere. There are no prerequisites, and even better, no homework! If you are coming here from the Eat Smart class or from GoDeep.Yoga then you are also welcome any time.

Our primary mission here is simple: Community Support for Good Health

This group started with the “Buddy System” concept that I learned from my awesome Eat Smart class, and also my determination to “never give up” on working toward better health.

Starting this new winter session of FlexFit, I was reflecting on my health cycles last year, and realized something very interesting. There was no other person, or no external force preventing me from improving my health except myself!

This year, I want to be more aware to avoid setbacks, allow more room for positive energy, and yes, allow miracles to happen this year!

Feel free to join the conversation, leave a comment or thought, ask questions, or just say hello!

Have a blessed day :slight_smile:

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@Chris This is so cool!! I love that you are using this platform to stay connected and accountable.

@everyone- Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that your class is a really special class to me. I miss you on our off weeks! Please take advantage of this way to stay engaged on those off weeks. I know from personal experience how very valuable it is to have someone in your corner, cheering you on, supporting you, challenging you. You can do that for each other. And of course, I’m always going to be rooting you on. Because you are worth it!!

Hope you all have a wonderful week! ~Cara

Greetings Everyone - We completed our first FlexFit Zoom this week! For me this was a great milestone, because up until recently this was only an idea to create this Online Buddy System platform, and now you folks made it an actual reality!

Thanks so much to @Cara from EatSmart for her great motivation, and also to @GoDeep.Yoga for all the support to make this FlexFit group happen.

@TracieHillard - You have really inspired me to walk more, and since our Zoom, I have walked at least 2 miles every day - thank you!

@Gerard - I was amazed that you had read “Atomic Habits” multiple times, so maybe you can lead a more in depth discussion on that topic next week?

Anyone is always welcome to reply here with any ideas, thoughts, topics, or questions for our Zoom next week - hope to see you then!

谢谢 ( thanks ) - Chris

Featured Weekly FlexFit Video:

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Hey gang! So glad to hear that you had a successful session last week. You ALL rock. Keep showing up for yourself and working on being YOUR best self. YOU matter!
Always cheering you on,


Hi Cara - I got your recent message, and yes - we had a great FlexFit session today JAN 30th 2024 - and - it was my Birthday! Tracie has kept us on track, and not missing any weeks, and I think this is our third session. At this point, we plan to keep steady, and not to miss any off weeks. Whew - really amazing - just recently this was only a bold idea that is now a reality :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for your motivation, and also thanks to @GoDeep.Yoga for the Birthday wishes, and also for @Gerard for all his amazing support on this weekly session.

Next Week - FEB 6 - I think we have EatSmart class, so FlexFit will NOT meet next week.
See everyone soon!

谢谢 ( thanks ) - Chris

Below was our most recent flexibility video:

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Below is a quick recap from our last FlexFit Zoom on this past TUE FEB 13:

This past week, we discussed mindfulness in our eating and fitness habits, which was also the primary topic that @Cara focused on during our most recent EatSmart class.

For myself personally, practicing mindful eating might be my most difficult challenge to overcome, and I noticed something very interesting that came up in this week’s conversation:

I try to be mindful most of the time, but then stress hits, or life hits hard, and then something interesting can happen very quickly. There comes a point when the mind says “ok, I give up for now, this does not matter, nothing matters, so I am just going to eat whatever I want”. Basically there is some point where the mind basically “gives up trying” - and for me, that is the moment where I fall and get off track. My Goal - is to somehow be more prepared for that moment, and not allow the mind to move into that space that gives up.

@TracieHillard also brought up a really good point about making the temptation “invisible” - very cool reminder that she put into place recently. The basic idea is something like: “Make it invisible: Limit your exposure to the behavior that you’re trying to curb.”

Below was our most recent flexibility video:

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Below is a quick recap from our last FlexFit Zoom on this past TUE FEB 27

We talked about a allowing our Tuessday morning Zoom session to be a restart from the past week. So if we got off track the week before, we could forget that, and start fresh.

Below was our most recent flexibility video:
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2024.03.12- FlexFit - Zoom - Recap - MARCH 12

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